Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Crazy Life

So I've decided that our family lives a crazy life. We got back from a nice relaxing vacation, and have been running around with our heads cut off ever since!! I guess that's just the way it goes for us? We had a really busy weekend and this week hasn't slowed down either. I guess it's good, I could be bored...right? I don't know that doesn't sound so bad right now!
We've been really busy with Mykell and all of her school happenings. It's been fun seeing her excel in school. I'm just ready for a little break! In the month of January Mykell brought home an excellent report card for her second term. She took third place in the 5th grade spelling bee, and first place in the 5th grade science fair! And she starred in her school play. I guess I should say she was apart of the school play, but she was the star to me!! She makes me really proud... Here is Mykell standing in front of her Science fair project.
Grandma and Kell checking out the projects!
This is Mykell and one of her best friends. If you didn't notice they totally coordinated their outfits for the fair. Black shirts, black boots and head bands!! (I totally remember doing this when I was her age!!)
Mykell's school play was the Little Mermaid. I went there expecting to see Ariel and Sabastion and found it was quite different then Disney's version. It was still really cute. Mykell played a seasider. (that's her in the back row in the middle) She also played the part of an old grandma that was trying to win the prince with her riches. It was funny! You'll have to ask her to give you her best grandma voice the next time you see her. It's hilarious!
Here is part of Mykell's fan club! We celebrated a great performance at Wendy's!! (We didn't have much time between performances) But after the last show we went to Coldstone and had some yummy ice cream! And then as we were leaving a miracle happened. We were passing Crispy Creams and the light was on!! The light that means you can come in for a free doughnut. It was definitely a sign that we needed to stop:)
Mykell is an excellent little performer. She was sad when it was all over. Joel and I are afraid we might have a little drama queen on our hands!!


Brooke said...

You guys have been super busy! I am so proud of Mykell! First place in the Science Fair? That is ridiculously impressive. She is such a busy girl. And you guys are so wonderful and supportive with everything she does. I hope you get a little bit of a break soon and some time to be bored:)

Abby Fowers said...

I'm afraid you might have a drama queen on your hands too! Not in a bad way though, but she really IS quite the performer. It is so fun to watch her grow and mature. She's a wonderful girl, that we're all proud of. That's awesome to hear that she did so well in her spelling bee and science fair. Go KELL! I also hope you guys get some down time soon. It's good to busy, but nice to have a break! :)